Tuesday, December 15, 2009

CLT Grad Faith Gilmore's Israel Trip

I took a trip to Israel with high expectations of how God would reveal Himself to me because I’d heard so much from others about how they wept when they arrived on the land or how the Word of God open up their eyes like never before when they walked where Jesus walked.

My experience was much different, however. Jesus used this trip to break me of all my dictates of how He was to speak to me. He even used other people to “strip” me, as it were. In that place I was able to surrender to His ways and His agenda afresh, a process that felt like brokenness.

While there, I learned about the people of Israel and how warm they are…warm and blunt! I learned how ready they are to welcome in strangers as friends and how faithful they are to pass down the stories of their forefathers. It was amazing to learn about their ability to face crisis and threat head on over the course of history in the many wars that have ensued.

What was more amazing was to learn how true God has been to His character and to His Word as He helped this small group of people overcome insurmountable odds impossible to achieve by any human means. This has been true in every war fought, in the reconvening of the people in the state, in the resurrection of the language, and in the culture and traditions staying alive over 2,000 years.

Then, I learned of the bravery of the Messianic body exhibits in the face of persecution from her own people. The warfare over her is the greatest of this believing part of the apple of God’s eye, because she is like a weapon boldly proclaiming truth without mixture. She needs our prayers and support. I also felt the Lord’s heart for the Arabs while on the Temple Mount as He longs for all His children to be gathered in His bosom.

God asked me to bring my guitar to sing to His people in Jerusalem so that’s what I did. On Ben Yehuda Street, I sang songs He gave me: some themes from the Psalms and some from Zachariah. People connected to the cry to dwell in God’s presence and inquire in His temple and to the promise of not being forgotten as the recipient of His everlasting covenant. Four days I sang, and each time God sent different believers in Yeshua to walk by and pray for me as there were a few angry responses to what I was doing.

Over and over again, God showed His faithfulness to me, confirming He is not limited to time and space and He is ready to keep anyone willing to receive Him.

Faith Gilmore

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Faith For All is Launched by Thomas Boehm!

I want to announce the formal launch of my new disability advocacy non-profit geared to help faith communities open their doors and their hearts to include people with disabilities!

Please check out our website and what the vision is all about at: www.faith-for-all.com.

If anything on the site does not seem to work well, doesn’t look right, or otherwise could use my attention, please drop me a note and let me know! Any new start up has some kinks and I’d like to correct them as quickly as possible.

There is also a Facebook Page that you can access from the website by clicking on the icon; or directly at:http://www.facebook.com/pages/Faith-for-ALL/161554306614#/pages/Faith-for-ALL/161554306614?v=info

Thomas L. Boehm


PO Box 210106

Nashville, TN 37221

(615) 260-1522


Saturday, October 31, 2009

Africa by Kim Bischoff

Tenacious Love
I have been back from Africa a little while now. I feel like I’m still adjusting to the culture shock! I have to say this has been one of the most life changing trips I have ever been on. I knew that going into this trip God was really going to stretch me. I honestly never thought I would go to Africa, it was never on my list of countries, but when God said go back in early spring, I had to obey, so glad I did.

It’s hard to narrow down what impacted you most from the kids, to the culture, to the atmosphere, but I have to say it would be the love. Heidi shared on tenacious love the last day that I was in Pemba. She put into words what God has been doing in me for the last few months. It’s all about the love! But it’s more than just that. It’s Tenacious, holding tightly to, not letting go, persistent. She shared from Philippians, and called us to be tenacious and loving. To be poured out like a drink offering again and again. Life isn’t about us; it’s about spreading the Love of Jesus. She told us a story about what it took to get to this village that God had given her a vision about. It took over 2 years, many obstacles, and cost her much. She said”you give up too easily.” This struck a chord in my heart. I realized that I have given up way to easily in many places of my life and on people. We see things that get in our way as a door shut, instead of a test or something that God is using. We assume that things will be given to us, instead of us having to pay a cost, or even partnering with the vision that God gives us. Jesus never said I will make everything easy for you; He said “I will be with you.”

We can’t do anything out of our own strength, it will surly run out. We have to do it through the eyes of love, through Jesus. Through Him EVERYTHING is possible. I don’t know how to put into words what God did in my heart and in my life through Africa, but I do know this I’m a puddle. I feel like I fell into the Father’s arms in a deeper more intimate way. He has placed this tenacious love in my heart, and I have adeeper faith in Him. I don’t doubt that what He says is truth, and I knowthat I have to be poured out again and again. But I have this promise, Hewill be with me, and He will pour into me more than I can ever be poured out. I know it’s worth the cost, and I’ve decided I will do whatever I need

to, to love people, to spread His fame. I just want more of Him. All the signs and wonders aAWESOME, but we can’t be about just the signs we will be empty. We must be about Him, because He is the way the truth and the life.

For the Kingdom of God is among you… One of my favorite stories is when the disciples came back to Jesus. They were so excited because they had just cast out demons, healed the sick and many other things. Jesus’ response was that’s great but don’t rejoice that these things happened rejoice because your name is known in heaven. How can your name be “known”, it’s simply by spending time with your beloved Yeshua, your healer, deliver, salvation. The more time you spend with Him, the more you act like his child. The more we act like His child the more we are like Him. The more we become like Him the more we love, and the more our vision changes it becomes clearer. Our love becomes pure, and we begin to really see.

In sharing what little of have shared of my trip to Africa, my hope is this. That God will do in you what He has done in me. Show you how much He loves you. Show you what He sees when He looks at you, and pour out His love over you. That you will be touched by the amazing unchangeable love of the Father, and that you will be like a puddle in His arms. Because when this world fades, and there is nothing left of material things, His love will stay because we were created for eternity with Him.

Much love and MANY blessings… Kim Bischoff

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I went with Tod to Trevecca University in Nashville last Monday night as we spoke in two 30 min. sessions to the freshman. We were amazed that the school is right there in our back yard - it's a pretty nice campus! There were 600 students gathered in the auditorium for instructions and short time of prayer for the presenters beforedispersing to the various presentations. They could choose two to go to. We had about 50 or so studentscome to our room for each session. You gotta love college chapel programs, the students get fined in increasingamounts if they don't attend - they were eager to get their I.D.'s scanned at the end of each session :)

Tod did an excellent job of presenting Caleb's vision and God's love for the Jewish people and we did get about a dozen students sign up for more information and several took business cards. I shared as well about Siloam Family Health Clinic our desire to extend the love of Jesus to the refugees and patients and extended an invitation for them to connect there as well.

Personally, attending this function has allowed God to drive and attitude deeper into my "knower" that we carry truth that it vital for people to believers to understand and be awakened to in these days.

It was a pleasure to be invited to Trevecca and be warmly received. This in contrast to the two pieces below on American education:

The first I read on World View Weekend - it's a quote from an educator in 1987
Dr. Raymond English gave a speech before the National Advisory Council on Educational Research and improvement on april 2, 1987. In his speech, Dr. English defined critical thinking as follows;

"Critical thinking means not only learning how to think for oneself, but it also meanslearning how to subvert the traditional values in your society. You're not thinking critical if you're accepting the values that mommy and daddy taught you. That's not critical.

The second is from Frontpagemag.com. A new book has come out detailing US academias wide spread support of Nazi atrocities against the Jews - excerpt from the news post and link below:

"Norwood’s book is a must-read, but also a sad and uncomfortable read. He details the reactions of America’s professors and universities to the rise of Hitler. The responses on American campuses ranged from complete indifference and refusal to join in campaigns against Nazi Germany to widespread support for German Nazism, including for German atrocities committed against Jews. This was not mere Yankee provincial ignorance of what was happening outside the country."

God has indeed blessed us with His knowledge and truth. May we be strengthened each day by the power of His love as we run the race set before us, engaging in more opportunities like Trevecca.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Faith Comes to New York!

Faith Gilmore is a graduate of Caleb Leadership Training and writes about her recent trip to New York City.

I felt God ask me to give the trip to Him, since it was the first of the Jewish New Year and He's been teaching me the principle of first fruits. When we give the first of anything (in this case the year) to God, He multiplies it:

Jesus was God's first son and His death and resurrection produced a multiplied harvest for God, Hannah dedicated Samuel to the Lord and was given more children, we give God our tithe and He supernaturally blesses the remainder of our finances and so on.

So, I looked up on the internet to see what Jewish activities were going on and found a tour of Lower East Side as it relates to Jewish History. However, before this scheduled tour I started seeing Jews everywhere on 34th street. I felt like God ask me to ask for their forgiveness on behalf of the church for all the hundreds of years of persecution they've endured.

The first two looked shocked and hurried by, not sure how to respond and appeared somewhat bothered, but then I continued on and said the same to about 100 more Jews. Out of than number, only 4 men didn't respond or look at me and I think it's because they were Orthodox Men who couldn't look at me because I was a woman. But, the others all appeared shocked in a good way, and their jaws dropped as they said either "thank you," "I appreciate it," "bless you this year," "I am in awe this is really happening," or "it's not necessary for you to take on that guilt."

I spoke first mostly to the elderly the first day, middle age men and men in their 30s the second day and a group of Jewish youth the second night. All were so thankful and receptive to this.

On the third day, I decided to ask random people who appeared Jewish yet I wasn't sure because they weren't Orthodox nor did they have a kippah on their heads. "Are you Jewish by any chance?" Almost all of them were either older women or older married couples and most said "yes." So, I was able to ask their forgiveness as well and all received me. One couple got tears in their eyes and held my hands. I felt God in our encounter.

When I went on the Jewish tour, I was one of only two people who took the tour--the other was Jew from Israel and the tour guide was Jewish. What was to be a 90 minute tour lasted 5 hours and the tour guide invited me and the other woman to dinner with he and his wife. I let them know I'm a Christian and then asked their forgiveness. They said "wow!," then became silent, and then said it's not necessary for me to say that or take the guilt. I told them I want to acknowledge the injustice and say it's not Yeshua's way.

They were kind to me about it and reminded me the following Sunday is Yom Kippur, the day of repentance. I thought to myself how cool it was that God positioned me there to repent right in between Rosh Hoshannah and Yom Kippur.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Caleb Leadership Training School ~ A Brief Pictoral Essay

Letter from Caleb Leadership Training Graduate Zachary Garza:

Just wanted to say thank you so much for investing in me these past three weeks. I can't tell you how grateful I am. I feel as if i have opened the door to a great adventure I never knew existed. Watching you and the other leaders and your unwavering faith in God has been something I have never seen before. For the first time in a long time, I see something that you guys have that I want: wholehearted devotion to God. A new standard has most definitely been set. I can't wait to get home to see what God has in store for me. I am so excited to see the path that he is going to lay before me. Each one of you have been so uniquely blessed as a leader for Christ. It has been my pleasure to watch you and learn from your daily walk.

Don & Tod prepping for the class

Practicing the shofar

Raring to Go!

Worship was a huge part of everything we did

Larry Randolph imparting wisdom

Mike Niebur was a blessing!

Praying for Thomas

Matt speaking out his vision statement...

Made Steve a happy man!

Don's demo of how to make a luggage I.D.

Caleb kids at Michael W's barn

Walking down to Caleb quarters Jerusalem!

Praying for kids in the Hinnon Valley

City of David viewed from Caleb quarters

Our very first day was in Beer Sheva
with Avner & Rachel Boskey

Amazing sculptures by Rick Wienecke

Praying for Rick & Dafna

Our Arab van driver took us through Hevron
and Bethlehem

Going through the Old City streets

Praying at the Western Wall

Couple of cuties!

John Gere teaching about the Eastern Gate

Muslim ladies on the temple mount.

Alex leading worship at Succat Hallel

Praying out over Jerusalem

Door of Hope ministry in Tel Aviv

Praying over pictures of ladies
imprisoned by prostitution

Worshipping near the beach in Tel Aviv

Geri talking to Arab family drawn in by
the music

Our home in the desert!

Matt talking to kids - his favorite thing!

Putting love to action - pouring cement in
future worship & prayer center.

We loved connecting with Avishai and Idan
and family!

Praise on the Sea of Galilee

Casting out on the 'other side.'

Caught a big one!

New little friends on the Mount of Beatitutes

Wonderful time with David Shishkoff family!

Friends are friends forever

Geri had a word & blessing for each student

Graduation prayer & blessing in

Happy Days!

All the peoples of the earth will be
blessed through you! Gen 12:3

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Blessings from Jerusalem

Just wanted to send you a few pictures of the team. You'd be so proud of them! They are really stepping up and giving all, working together in love and servanthood, being a blessing and encouragement to the people here and taking in the Father's heart in every way! I know He is impacting their lives daily in all they are experiencing as well as the lessons we are learning together as a team! The joy of the Lord has truly been our strength and we appreciate all your faithful prayers! We feel them!!!

The Caleb house is great Don and we have had some amazing times of worship and intercession in and all around it!

Thank you for everything! Love you all and pray God's blessings from Zion upon you!

The King is coming!!!


Praying over Hinnon Valley

Reflecting at the garden tomb

In the garden after communion together. He's alive!

The three amigos

On the Mount of Olives

Praying for Freddie at the Caleb house

A kiss from Zachary for Papa Don :)
