Thursday, July 23, 2009

Blessings from Jerusalem

Just wanted to send you a few pictures of the team. You'd be so proud of them! They are really stepping up and giving all, working together in love and servanthood, being a blessing and encouragement to the people here and taking in the Father's heart in every way! I know He is impacting their lives daily in all they are experiencing as well as the lessons we are learning together as a team! The joy of the Lord has truly been our strength and we appreciate all your faithful prayers! We feel them!!!

The Caleb house is great Don and we have had some amazing times of worship and intercession in and all around it!

Thank you for everything! Love you all and pray God's blessings from Zion upon you!

The King is coming!!!


Praying over Hinnon Valley

Reflecting at the garden tomb

In the garden after communion together. He's alive!

The three amigos

On the Mount of Olives

Praying for Freddie at the Caleb house

A kiss from Zachary for Papa Don :)
